Caldecott Society Member Visits Gravesite

Brenda Davis of Jacksonville, Florida recently visited Caldecott's grave site with RCSA President, Gwen Reichert. They placed fresh flowers on the grave, and Brenda created her own tombstone rubbing. As a new RCSA member she has already paid a RCSA membership for a friend! Brenda's support is greatly appreciated and we hope she will enjoy her association with RCSA.

Gwen shared information about the most recent RCSA meeting with Brenda and presented her with a materials folder about John Newbery in whom Brenda showed interest.

Brenda is currently a student in the Education Department at Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida. She is planning to "student teach" this fall. She was encouraged to make contact with Gwen and to arrange a Caldecott grave site visit by JU Professor, Dr. Kay Johnson, who has been a longtime member and supporter of RCSA.

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Pages Written by Allan C. Reichert
Randolph Caldecott Society of America
Updated on 3/26/05