Meeting of the Society - 3/22/2014
The 31st Anniversary/Annual General Meeting of the Randolph Caldecott Society of America was held on Saturday, March 22, 2014 (Randolph's Birthday) at the meeting room of the Southeast Branch of the St. Johns County Library at 3:00 in the afternoon.
Refreshments consisting of the traditional rum cake (made by Allan Reichert), double chocolate cake (made by Sharon Green), punch (made by Linda Ginn and served by Dot Taylor) were served prior to the meeting.
Art Boccieri, Acting President, called the meeting to order.After welcoming the members who were present, he read notes from out of town members. Ross and Jean Caldecott, who regretted having to miss the meeting, enclosed a check for $150.00 to be used for Society needs. Judy Caldecott Fleming, who was unable to attend, enclosed a check for $ 100.00 to be used for the project to improve Randolph Caldecott's gravesite in Evergreen Cemetery.
Allan Reichert, Treasurer, reported that since the last reported balance of $2,940.84, there had been income of $514.00 from memberships, gifts, donations & shirt sales. This brought the balance to $3,454.84. After expenses of $13.00 for banking fees and $53.00 for the fresh floral arrangement for RC grave from Flower Works, the current balance is $3,388.84. Joan Scopinich moved to approve the Treasurer's report, which was seconded by Linda Ginn and unanimously approved. |
Next, Art introduced Kristine Benoit, Youth Services Librarian for the Southeast Branch, who presented a program. After introducing the 2014 Caldecott Medal Honor Books, which can be found on line at, Kristine introduced and read the winning book, Locomotive, by Brian Floca. The story, which begins with the building of the transcontinental railroad and finishing with a trip across America, introduces readers to the people who keep the trains running and the sights to be seen crossing the country by rail in 1869. The sounds of the trip, highlighted visually by eye-catching fonts, were brought to life through Kristine's reading. Art distributed a handout listing the Caldecott winner and honor books and a brief synopsis of each book. A copy of Beatrix Potter's Nursery Rhyme Book was presented to Kristine in appreciation for her presentation
Art announced that an arrangement of spring flowers was placed on Randolph's grave on Friday by Allan, Anne and Art. Art reported that he, Anne and Allan took two groups to the Caldecott grave and lunch at the Columbia Restaurant; Mary and Natar Mallick from the UK Society on April 26, 2013 and Lucy and Roger Rollin from Seneca, South Carolina on November 25, 2013. Lucy is Professor Emerita of English from Clemson University.
RCSA purchased the 2014 Caldecott Medal winning books for the Randolph Caldecott Children's Room at the main library as well as a set of books for the Southeast Branch of the St Johns County Library System.
Under New Business: Linda Ginn made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2015 Caldecott winners. Joan Scopinich seconded the motion, which passed. It was decided to raise the Life Membership dues for future members from $100.00 to $150.00. Art reported that that was the first increase in the thirty-one year history of the society. |
Art displayed a large photo of Randolph's gravesite that showed deterioration caused by the growth of the large cedar tree behind the tombstone and the effects of weather over the years. Last year the cemetery gave permission to add two granite benches and some azaleas to enhance the plot but after more study, it was felt that the concrete piers and borders around the plot needed replacement. With the membership's approval, we will request a cost analysis from the cemetery and asked if they would partner with RCSA on this project and sell to us the granite and benches at cost.
The project was broken down into phases: 1. Replacement of the four piers and borders 2. Adding two honed granite benches 3. Adding landscaping around the plot. Discussion followed on ways to raise additional funds to pay for the project. It was determined that the society would write a letter to all active and inactive members and other interested people explaining the project and requesting donations. Kristine suggested that we do a presentation to the elementary media specialists on this project at one of their monthly meetings. Allan moved that Art Boccieri be made president instead of acting president ,which the membership approved unanimously.
Door prizes were drawn, followed by adjournment of the meeting.
Next year's annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2015. |

Kristine Benoit during her introduction of the Caldecott Award Books

Refreshment table attended byLinda Ginn
Anyone interested in more information concerning the Caldecott Society is invited to contact Allan C. Reichert, Treasurer or Arthur R. Boccieri, President.
Submitted by: Arthur R. Boccieri, President, RCSA
Phone: 824-3708 (Home)
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